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PASSIVE COMPONENTS - Power Magnetics Components

Power magnetic components widely using in the circuit of electronics devices is one of the basic passive components. K-well provides a broad array of power magnetic components and solutions to meet a variety of application needs. Our standard power magnetic component product portfolio includes High current poert inductor, General purpose power indcutor, Current sense transformer, Gate drive transformer. Products construction including: non-shielding, semi-shielding, shielding, molding, ferrite core assembely type. THT or SMT package avaliable.We continue to be a reliable supplier of genernal power inductors. Our power magnetic products are an optimal solution for applications in the following markets: computer, communication, instrumentation, mobile devices and consumer electronics, electronic medical devices, power supply electronics, to wireless charging devices and various application.

K-well also provide custom design service for power magnetic components within our products range. We understand the possible creative requirements bring forth by all the modern day emerging smart technologies, K-well is willing to go further and design smarter configuration products for our client’s innovative technology requirements.

If you have any this need, please send us your requirements to support@kw-magnetics.com or go to www.kw-magnetics.com/support/technical service to fill in your custom design request.
