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PASSIVE COMPONENTS - EMC Magnetics Components

EMC magnetic components widely using in a wide range of prevention of radio frequency interference (RFI) and electromagnetic interference (EMI) from AC power supply lines, DC power lines and data or signal lines.it is one of the basic passive EMC Suppression components.

K-well provides a broad array of power EMC magnetic components and solutions to meet a variety of application needs. Our standard power magnetic component product portfolio includes vertical, horizontal construction and THT or SMT mounting. Details products type includes as following:


1.    Common mode choke for AC lines

2.    Common mode choke for DC lines

3.    Common mode choke for data & signal lines
4.    Multilayer Ferrite Chip Beads
5.    Flat wire high current Beads


K-well also provide custom design service for EMC magnetic components within our products range. We understand the possible creative requirements bring forth by all the modern day emerging smart technologies, K-well is willing to go further and design smarter configuration products for our client’s innovative technology requirements.

If you have any this need, please send us your requirements to support@kw-magnetics.com or go to www.kw-magnetics.com/support/technical service to fill in your custom design request.

